4 Places You can Develop Varicose and Spider Veins

We all know that varicose and spider veins typically choose to show up on our legs. This is because the leg veins have to work harder than other veins in the body to pump blood back to the heart. However, the legs are not the only place where varicose veins and other vein issues can develop. We have identified 4 places you can develop varicose and spider veins. 


Varicose veins form in the arms for the same reason they do in the legs. They are less common, however, because it’s easier for blood to return to the heart from the arms. However, if you do a lot of activity with or put a lot of pressure on your arms, or have overall poor circulation, you may see varicose veins begin to develop in your arms.

Hands and Feet

Increased vein visibility or the development of spider or varicose veins in the hands and feet is a common condition to see. For the hands, this is often a result of age and the loss of fatty tissue that would normally hide these veins. For the feet, vein issues can be an extension of difficulties like poor circulation that are already present in the legs. If these veins become too large or problematic in terms of pain, it’s best to get them treated before they develop into a more serious vein condition.


The face is one of the most common places for spider veins to appear, although they can show up anywhere. However, they often appear on the face as a result of sun exposure. They commonly develop on the nose, cheeks, ears and under the eyes. Dry skin conditions like eczema and rosacea can make them worse, as the irritation adds pressure to the delicate veins under the skin. Smoking can also damage arteries and veins and cause spider veins to develop as a result of premature skin aging.

Pelvis and Genitals

Varicose veins are also known to show up in the area of the pelvis, for both men and women. Pregnancy is also a contributing factor to developing varicose veins since the weight of carrying a baby and increased blood volume put extra pressure on the veins and arteries of the pelvic region. Varicose veins can also show up in the rectum, which are known as hemorrhoids, or on the genitals.

How We Can Help

At Virginia Vein & Wellness Center, our primary goal is to help treat or prevent the development of vein issues, particularly varicose veins within the lower extremities. We do ultrasound vein screenings of the legs to determine your risk for disease, and we offer vein appointments and custom compression stocking fittings to help reduce and ease the effects of varicose veins on your body. If you need relief from the pain and cosmetic issues that varicose veins produce, contact us today!